Inter Ambo Maria. Northern Barbarians from Scandinavia towards the Black Sea 5.00 1

В сборнике собраны статьи, посвященные дискуссионным вопросам истории, археологии и культуры народов, населявших пространство между Черным и Балтийским морями в позднеримское время и в эпоху Великого переселения народов.

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Категории: Античность. Ранний железный век Средние века Сборники, не входящие в серии

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В сборнике «Inter Ambo Maria: Северные варвары на пути из Скандинавии к Черному морю», собраны статьи, посвященные дискуссионным вопросам истории, археологии и культуры народов, населявших пространство между Черным и Балтийским морями в позднеримское время и в эпоху Великого переселения народов.

Материалы публикуются на английском языке (аннотации на русском языке)



Translation and Transliteration


Jacek ANDRZEJOWSKI, Renata MADYDA-LEGUTKO. Bronze Belt Buckles with Doubled Tongue between Scandinavia and the Black Sea. In search of local and inter-regional connections during the Roman period

Ruth BLANKENFELDT. Weapon Deposits in the “Thorsberger Moor” – 150 Years of Research and New Рerspectives

Linda BOYE, Ulla LUND HANSEN. Glass and Amber Beads in Late Roman Iron Age with Relations between Denmark and the Black Sea Area – with a special focus on the graves from Eastern Zealand

Katarzyna CZARNECKA. Padlocks in the Przeworsk and the Chernyakhov Cultures in the Late Roman Period, as an Evidence of Mutual Contacts

Charlotte FABECH, Ulf NÄSMAN. A Lonely Rider? The Finding Place of the Sösdala Find and the Context of its Finds

Igor’ GAVRITUKHIN. Brooches of the Levice – Tokari Sub-Group

Thomas GRANE. Varpelev - Carsium - Constantinople. Contacts across Barbaricum

Eszter ISTVÁNOVITS, Valéria KULCSÁR. Sarmatians or Germans: influence or ethnic presence? Old problem – new hypotheses

Michel KAZANSKI. Water Routes from the Baltic to the Black Sea and Northern Barbarians in the Migration Period

Igor’ KHRAPUNOV. Germanic Artefacts in the Cemetery of Neyzats

Bartosz KONTNY. New Traces to Solve the Riddle: weapons from Chatyr-Dag in the light of current research

Maxim LEVADA. Sösdala: The Problem of Singling out Artistic Style

Mikhail LYUBICHEV. The Secondary Used Artefact in Grave 41 of the Chernyakhov Cemetery of Voytenki

Magdalena MĄCZYŃSKA. A Gold Brooch from Młoteczno (Hammersorf), Braniewo Powiat, in North-Eastern Poland

Boris MAGOMEDOV. Correlation between North-Western and Local Elements in the Chernyakhov Culture

Anna MASTYKOVA, Mariya DOBROVOL’SKAYA. Grave Goods in the Cemeteries from the Late Roman and Early Medi­aeval Periods on the Sambian Peninsula and Anthropological Accounts

Andrey OBLOMSKIY. The Upper Don and the Northern Black Sea Areas ca. 500 AD: aspects of the trade route

Radosław PROCHOWICZ. Carnelian Beads in the Cemetery of the Wielbark Culture at Szelków Nowy, Poland – “Souvenirs from the Black Sea?”

Oleg RADYUSH. The Second and Third Century Knob Spurs (Knopfsporen) in the Middle and Upper Dnieper Area

Stanislav SHABANOV. Roman Import or Germanic Influence? On the Problem of Sarmatian-Germanic Contacts in the Crimea According to Glass Vessels’ Account

Konstantin SKVORTSOV. “The Amber Coast Masters”: some observations on rich burials in the Sambian-Natangian culture ca. AD 500

Frans-Arne STYLEGAR. Regionality in Iron Age Norway. A study of archaeological cultures

Jaroslav TEJRAL. The Connections between the Region North to the Danube and Northem Europe. Some Aspects of Ethnic and Social Identity of the Fifth Century Elites

Rostislav TERPILOVSKIY, Gennadiy ZHAROV. A Warrior Cemetery from the Turn of the Eras on the River Seym

Aleksandr VASIL’YEV. Thin-Walled Glass Beakers with Wide Mouth and Decoration of Cut Ovals (Eggers 223, 224, 226, 228)

Marcin WOŹNIAK. Some Remarks on Settlement Structures of the Wielbark Culture in the End of the Roman Period and Early Migration Period in Middle-Eastern Poland (Masovia and Podlachia)

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Теги: Археология Крыма Археология Украины Средневековый Крым Археология римского времени Материалы конференций Книги на иностранных языках
