Exploring the Cemetery of Neyzats: Collected Papers

This book publishes the results of the researches of the cemetery of Neyzats located in the central area of the foothills in the Crimean peninsula, Ukraine.

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Категории: Античность. Ранний железный век Сборники, не входящие в серии

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This book publishes the results of the researches of the cemetery of Neyzats located in the central area of the foothills in the Crimean peninsula, Ukraine. Excavations uncovered hundreds of graves from the second to fourth century AD, made by the Sarmatians and Alans. The papers presented in this volume analyse grave goods and anthropological material from this cemetery, as well as the finds from the cultural layer covermg the graves.
The book is intended for archaeologists, historians, teachers and university students, as well as for all those interested in the ancient history of the Crimean peninsula.

Крым в раннем железном веке (на англ.яз.)

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Теги: Археология Крыма Скифо-сарматская археология Археология римского времени Археологические памятники Крыма Книги на иностранных языках
